Vizzu Starter Templates

Following philosophy for letting novice users learn by experimenting with the platform, it would be great if some starter templates could be provided.

These starter templates showcase different types of visualizations possible with They contain small datasets which would give a quick overview of how the data has to be structured.

This would really help onboarding new users if such a gallery of starter templates are provided in the user dashboard.

The starter templates could be structured into various groups, a good example is Allan Smith’s Visual Vocabulary

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Thanks, @arky
Right now, we added sample stories so that everyone can get started and enjoy the Vizzu experience without uploading any data.
Showcasing the types of visualizations available can be a good way to show the tool’s flexibility. However, we hope that using the suggestions provided will show the different charting options at a glance and in a way that fits the users’ data they selected to put on their charts.

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