Transitions between stacked and non-stacked

I’ve set up a vizzu to show you this:

Transitions from stacked to non-stacked is somehow feel way more natural than in the other way around.

In my case, the pink section appears first always and remains for uncomfortable long time.

Hey @szeni,

Thanks for reporting this.

I’m sure you’re right, but I can’t see the Vizzu based only on the link you have in the browser. Could you make a recording of this? Using might be the easiest way to do that—you register a free account, install a plugin, and then record and share your screen or tab with three clicks.

Works like a charm for specific feedback and bug reporting.

Any video of the story would do, of course.

Thank you

sure, icloud though:

Thanks for sharing the video, @szeni; the issue is clear now.
We’re aware of this. We should fine-tune the animation to make it go away. It’s in our backlog, but I can’t tell you when we’ll fix it.

Great looking vizzu there, by the way. I love it!