Consider adding an autoplay feature for published Vizzu slides. This would be especially useful when Vizzu links are shared on social media posts, as it would allow viewers to immediately see the content without needing to manually start the slideshow.
To prevent overwhelming viewers, a slight delay of a few seconds could be implemented before the autoplay starts. Users could enable or disable this feature through an “Autoplay” button when sharing a Vizzu.
And @Arky, what do you think about video export? We are working on it because it is more embeddable and generally useful. However, the autoplay idea is great and we will try to test it on shared vizzus!
It is good first step, but videos and animated images (png/gif) are poor substitute for true interactivity.
The ability to interact with slides/charts through mouse or touch gestures enable users to distill the information at their own pace. Especially when you have a lot of data, it always good to provide users some form of interactivity.
Terria is cool, of course. And you are absolutely right about the importance of interaction! We also primarily see the interaction possibilities in Vizzu. That’s the direction we are heading. But we can only achieve our vision step by step, with the first step being animated data stories.