Data editing is not possible

After uploading my data, there’s no option to delete rows or columns, I have to generate a new CSV and upload it again.

Also, I can’t edit data at all. If I have to change something in a long dataset I have to change it in my spreadsheet software separately all the time, and generate new CSVs.

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Thanks for the feedback, @okami!

Yep, data editing features are missing.

Helping the user edit the data within Vizzu is on our roadmap but not a top priority right now. While there are tons of features one could imagine adding to this interface, this is not something specific to Vizzu. So, at least for now, we would like users to come to Vizzu when this part of the job is already done.

Let me know if you have further questions or comments.
Thanks again for raising this. I’m so glad you spent time with our baby and came here to share your experience and suggestions! :heart_eyes: :star_struck: